Sunday, August 3, 2008

I never believed I'd end up in Duchesne

Hello class of 88! I'ts a good thing I live in Duchesne or I would never be able to fit the reunion in. As it is, I will be showing up to both activities in between running my family around and helping my husband with the triathelon going on Saturday morning.

I have lived in Duchesne for the last 12 years. My husband moved me here to be close to the mountains, lake and family. He is from Idaho and hunts a lot (mostly bear and mt. lion). We like to go out on the lake as much as weather allows.

I work as an RN in ER in Roosevelt. I try really hard to be part time but with the nursing shortage in the Basin, I end up working full time hours almost every week. I love the ER. I work nights and sometimes sleep a little in the days. It is getting easier as the kids are getting older. When school starts again, I will just have a 4 year old at home. I will have 2 in elementary, 1 in Jr. High and one High schooler (eeek!).

My husband works for Moon Lake Electric as a lineman. We are both very involved in the church. I am the Primary President, going on three years now. So I have a lot more children than just my five. We are both involved in the Community. I am in the Duchesne Mothers Cub and Chad is the President of the secondary water. If the power goes out, a water break or an emergency call, one of us usually has to go.

I have plenty of room if anyone would like to stay at our house. I have 2 babysitters if anyone would like some help or just somewhere for your kids to hang out. I am so excited to see you all. It has been fun watching the blog. Thank you, Travis and Missy. Home 435-738-2106 or Cell 435-733-0098.

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